Duang的餘熱還未消,裙子的顏色還沒整明白,今天早上一睜眼,各大社交網站已經被Apple Watch慘無人道的攻陷了。這潮流太快,我不敢看……
朋友們,你看過《Inspector Gadget/神探加吉特》嗎?(暴露年齡了真不好意思)Apple Watch簡直是仿照片中小Penny戴的同款啊!!時尚時尚最時尚!
1、首先,Penny的手錶是可以打電話的!(First of all, like the Apple Watch, Penny could make calls with her watch.)
2、視頻通話毫無壓力。(Even video calls!)
3、手錶和其他設備也能同步。(She could sync her watch with her other devices.)
4、蘋果表你有嗎?Penny表是能發射激光武器的!(But unlike the Apple Watch, Penny’s watch has a fucking laser beam!)
5、當然,開個門這麼簡單的事情才不值得大肆鼓吹呢。(Which can be used to remove whole doors, or to pick any lock.)
6、閃光燈也是基本標配啊。(And check out the flashlight feature.)
7、逆天了!Penny表還能實現追蹤功能!(Penny’s watch could even be used as a tracer!)
8、你看,Penny在定位她叔叔的位置。(Look how she uses it to precisely locate her uncle.)
9、“隔空取金屬”這種事情也是高效能磁鐵輕鬆鬆實現。(Need to get something metallic from across the room? No problem! Penny’s watch has a high-power magnet feature.)
10、當然,最重要的是,Penny表甚至還能探測放射物……看來生化部隊要失業了。(And best of all, it detects radioactivity!)
所以你覺得,Apple Watch和Penny表究竟哪個屌?
朋友們,你看過《Inspector Gadget/神探加吉特》嗎?(暴露年齡了真不好意思)Apple Watch簡直是仿照片中小Penny戴的同款啊!!時尚時尚最時尚!
1、首先,Penny的手錶是可以打電話的!(First of all, like the Apple Watch, Penny could make calls with her watch.)
2、視頻通話毫無壓力。(Even video calls!)
3、手錶和其他設備也能同步。(She could sync her watch with her other devices.)
4、蘋果表你有嗎?Penny表是能發射激光武器的!(But unlike the Apple Watch, Penny’s watch has a fucking laser beam!)
5、當然,開個門這麼簡單的事情才不值得大肆鼓吹呢。(Which can be used to remove whole doors, or to pick any lock.)
6、閃光燈也是基本標配啊。(And check out the flashlight feature.)
7、逆天了!Penny表還能實現追蹤功能!(Penny’s watch could even be used as a tracer!)
8、你看,Penny在定位她叔叔的位置。(Look how she uses it to precisely locate her uncle.)
9、“隔空取金屬”這種事情也是高效能磁鐵輕鬆鬆實現。(Need to get something metallic from across the room? No problem! Penny’s watch has a high-power magnet feature.)
10、當然,最重要的是,Penny表甚至還能探測放射物……看來生化部隊要失業了。(And best of all, it detects radioactivity!)
所以你覺得,Apple Watch和Penny表究竟哪個屌?
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